The exciting line-up of speakers for our 4th annual Architecture lecture series continues!
All lectures are free to members and public alike and are broadcast virtually!

With new student organization partners!

Thomas Rajkovich and Joseph Brickey – “On the Art of Proper Building – The Poetry of Referential Design, Tectonics and The Unity of the Arts”

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 06:00 PM Mountain Time
LIVE AT UVU in room CS404 Computer Science Building

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 7607 3708
Passcode: 082939

Architecture today is frequently little more than a celebration of technology or a parade of sculptural forms. Our entertainment culture thrives on novelty and the rapid flicker of social media images. 

Yet, somehow, humanity remains human and the practice of architecture should aspire to ennoble our lives through the creation of places that are enduring, memorable and beautiful, where Art and Craft join and touch our minds and hearts, simultaneously stimulating the intellect and delighting the senses.

This is a talk about a chapel, but especially about the design principles which we might consider as the foundational tools for the making of a more resonant, poetic architecture.

How to join the Virtual Lecture Series on Zoom:

– You will need to create a Zoom account in order to participate in the webcast
– Click on the appropriate Zoom link above for each of the respective lectures.
– Please sign in to the Zoom meeting 15 minutes prior to the start in order to give yourself adequate time to fix any technical issues you may have

Mark your calendars!

Thank you to our generous Partners and sponsors!